Lalit Story

Even if the beginning of the story feels a little bit dry trust me when i say you want to stick around for the ending this is easily one of the wildest stories on this channel but before we get into today's story if you're a fan of the strange dark and mysterious delivered in story format and you come to the right place because that's all we do and we upload three or four times every week so if that's of interest to you please invite the like button to come over your house to play call of duty with you but then give them the nes duck hunt remote as their controller also please subscribe to our channel and turn on all notifications so you don't miss any of our weekly uploads alright let's get into

Daddy Story

In today's story the chindawats were a big tight-knit middle-class family who lived in a cramped city in northern delhi india for generations their family had been farmers living and working out in the desert but in 1989 their beloved patriarch bhopal singh decided it was time for a change that year he sold all of his farmlands and then used the money from that sale to move with his wife and his youngest son to the city and over the next couple of decades one by one the rest of bhopal's children and their families followed him out there to the city and moved in with him by 2007 there were 12 chundawats all living under one roof they made their living by running a grocery slash plywood shop on the first floor of their house the store was quite prosperous not only because the goods they sold were top-notch but also because the locals just really liked being around the chundawats bhopal was this big friendly personality that took on a sort of fatherly role in the neighborhood and so locals began calling him daddy just like his family did bhopal's wife narayan took on a motherly role in the neighborhood and so naturally was nicknamed mommy when she wasn't taking care of her own family she'd be outside handing out tea to workers on the street or looking after neighborhood kids the rest of bhopal's family which included his three adult children two of their wives and five grandchildren were also often seen down at the store and they were highly regarded and respected as well by all accounts the chundewats seemed like very successful and happy people that kind of had a perfect life but in 2007 they would face a crisis when bhopal died knowing how much he meant to that family neighbors were concerned that the family would fall apart without him but surprisingly immediately following his death it was like the family started improving in all aspects of their life it was like an already perfect family got even better they began working extra long hours at their store and before long they had earned enough money to open another store and put an addition on their house they improved their health by changing their diet and cutting alcohol and tobacco out of their lives their children who were already very gifted students began studying even more and did even better in school and the whole family from the youngest to the oldest became exponentially more devout while neighbors certainly noticed these changes in the chandawats none of them raised any eyebrows in fact people were impressed this incredible family has managed to come out of a huge crisis better off and happier for it little did they know that behind the scenes something totally sinister was driving these changes fast forward 11 years to july 1st 2018. that morning like every other morning locals began lining up outside of the chundawats grocery store waiting for them to open their doors the chundawats were known to be extremely punctual and at six am sharp every day they open those doors but this morning six am came and went and the store stayed dark and the doors stayed closed people began calling the chunderwats but none of them had their phone on and so eventually a 79-year-old neighbor decided they would just walk up the steps to the chunderbot's house and check on them themselves and so up they went they knocked the door they yelled out for the family but nobody came to the door everything was off and so eventually they just tried the doorknob and twisted it and it turned he swings it open and he yells out the family's name and as soon as the door flings open and he can see inside he nearly faints he backpedals he screams he runs down to the street and he yells for someone to call the police luckily there was a police officer in the area and so very quickly they came over and they cleared the crowd out of the way that was forming at the base of the chunderwat steps they were all looking up to see whatever this neighbor had seen and before the officer actually ascended the stairs someone told him what was seen inside of the house and so he's mentally preparing himself for what he's about to walk into he walks up the stairs and he pauses right before turning the corner when he's gonna actually see inside the house he takes a deep breath he knows what he's gonna see he turns the corner he walks inside and he's still completely shocked at what he's seeing he would only be able to stay inside of the house that first trip for about 10 seconds before he too turned around and ran out of there he would say it was just too much it was one of the worst things he had ever seen and that he hopes he never has to see anything like that ever again in his career eventually, the police would go back inside the chundewood's house and after looking around they would find 11 hidden diaries and in these diaries would be the full awful story of what happened to that family in the first few days following Bhopal death in 2007 the family called a priest to lead them in a prayer honoring their lost loved one and during this prayer Lalit who was bhopal's youngest son at the time he was in his 30s he began chanting and as soon as he did the rest of his family stopped what they were doing and just stared at him they couldn't believe what they were hearing a few years earlier police had been in this horrible accident where plywood had fallen off of a shelf and hit him in the head nearly killing him he survived the ordeal but the damage to his head left him unable to speak but now here he is chanting and speaking and so as his voice grew stronger and stronger as he was doing this chant the other family members just continued to watch him and listen to him and then they began whispering to each other daddy has returned following this prayer session lalit kept his voice and he began keeping a diary the first of the 11 he would ultimately fill the first few entries in that first diary were fairly normal they were just reflections on his day or on his life but pretty quickly the entries took a major turn the first strange entry occurred on september 7 2007. to that point lalit had been writing in kind of narrative format about his life and whatever it was he was writing about but it just kind of abruptly stopped and in its place was this really deliberate instruction for his family it said they all needed to get a black and white photo of bhopal their patriarch and put it in front of them and then pray they're able to rid themselves of their old habits from this point onward the diary entries became more frequent and they stayed in this kind of strange instruction format for the family it was like it was a growing list of rules for the family to follow and the tone of these instructions that lalit is writing out in this diary became more and more aggressive and punitive and hectoring it was like the family was being punished but the family appeared to obey all of these instructions and this was because lalit told his family that bhopal had come back from the dead he had given lalit his voice back and he had spoken to the lead and explained to him that the reason he was back is because he wanted to save his family's souls elite explained that at night bhopal would possess his body and then using lalit's body he would write these instructions in the diary for his family to follow and the idea was if you follow these instructions that will set you on the path to saving your soul his instructions were at first just simple ways to honor bhopal but quickly they became really specific directives of how each of the family members needed to live their life on a day-to-day basis there were instructions about which food they were allowed to eat and when they were allowed to eat it there were instructions about which things they could sell in their store and there were instructions on how to invest their profits and there were countless instructions on how they should be praying and when they should be praying every night just before 9 00 pm the family was instructed to stop whatever they were doing and head back to the house and if anybody asked them what they were doing they were supposed to tell them that grandfather was coming and so they would all convene in a room inside of their house and they would wait and then at some point lalit would walk into the room he would sit down in front and then right at 9pm he would become possessed by bhopal and then bhopal would lead a 15 to 30 minute long prayer eventually lalit began observing a vow of silence and he told his family that if and when you hear my voice again it's not lalit you're only hearing bhopal in the eyes of his family lalit was no longer lalit lalit had become bhopal or i guess bhopal had become lalit but either way bhopal was back and so with the exception of lalit's mother everyone in his family began referring to him as daddy over the years this went on the neighbors did pick up on the family's strange behavior specifically lalit's strange behavior but no one ever said anything about it because despite the weirdness the family seemed like they were really flourishing they looked healthier they were making more money the grandchildren were excelling in school and they just generally looked really happy and so fast forward to june of 2018 which is the month before the neighbor and then police officer sees this horrible thing in the chandelier household that month june was an especially happy time for the chunderwa family because one of the grandchildren had announced they were going to get married and so on june 17th they have this huge engagement party the whole family's there they're dancing for joy about this incredible announcement and then they began shifting their focus to planning this wedding that everyone is so excited about a couple of weeks later on june 29th the chundewats had their neighbor over for dinner and that neighbor would later say that nothing seemed to miss and over dinner all the family wanted to talk about was this incredible wedding they were planning and how excited they were to go to it and this wedding was several months away less than 48 hours after this dinner the chundewats failed to open their grocery store and so the neighbor goes up the stairs he opens the door and he sees 10 members of the 11 person chandawat family dangling from nooses in the front hallway they were hanging very close together in a circular pattern that looked very intentional their hands and their feet were bound they were blindfolded with strips of cloth their mouths were taped shut and their ears were packed with cotton balls on the ground underneath them were black stools that had toppled over the 11th and final member of the chundewot family which was the 77 year old widow of bhopal was found dead laying in a bed nearby with a belt right next to her the initial thought by police is this was a mass murder but after reading the last few entries of lolit's final diary they realized it wasn't lolite had convinced his family that just abiding by bhopal's strict instructions that he gave them in the diary that was not enough to save their souls what they needed to do was participate in a ritual he was calling vat tapasya which means worship at the hanging roots of the banyan tree eight days before their bodies were found the family who agreed to do this ritual began practicing for it and every night they'd work on binding their hands and their feet and then unbinding themselves and they would tie nooses and put it around their neck and they would tighten them and then they'd loosen them and take them off and they'd do it to each other until they were very good at doing all of those things the day before their bodies were found the family performed what's called a hawan which is a ceremony of burnt offerings and then afterwards they ordered food and then tied their dog up outside at 10 pm one of the grandchildren and her mother left the house and went to a store and then were caught on camera walking back to the house carrying these black stools that they would later use in the ritual just after midnight it was time for the family to get in position the parents helped their children put on their bindings they got them up on their stool and they put their nooses around their neck and cinched it down tight and told them to wait and then afterwards they did the same thing to themselves at this point lalit's mother most likely realized she was not able to climb up onto the stool because she was hurting or she was tired and so a decision was made to move her into the bedroom and so she along with lolite and lalit's wife tina walked into the bedroom and once she was laying down on the bed lolite put a belt around her neck and then he and tina pulled on it until his mother went still and then afterwards he took the belt off put it next to her and then lalit and tina casually walked back towards the front hallway where the eight other family members were now in position they're blindfolded with cotton in their ear they had their new song they're just waiting and lalit and tina walk around the room kicking their stools out from underneath them and while their family slowly asphyxiates all around them lolita and tina bind up their wrists and their ankles they get on their stool they blindfold themselves they tape their mouth they put cotton in their ears they put their nooses on they cinch them down and then they both jump the very last line in the final diary that lilith kept it says keep water in a cup i will appear and save when color changes this ritual was supposed to allow the family to see bhopal in person elite told them that as soon as they were hanging the skies would open up the earth would tremble and bhopal would walk right into the room and save them from their death and they were going to be able to prove that he was there because not only would they have lived through this ritual but also bhopal was going to change the color of the water in the cup that was left out near their bodies the family had even left the front door unlocked to make it even easier for bhopal to come in and save them the chundewats were not committing suicide they believed they were going to survive this ritual this is why just two days earlier at that dinner with the neighbor they were eagerly talking about this wedding that was often the future they were planning because they believed they would get to attend it even though they knew in two days they'd be performing this thought to pass your ritual ultimately investigators closed the case as a mass suicide citing the cause as shared until next time that's gonna do it see ya..