if I told you to picture the amazon rainforest in your head you would likely picture a dense tropical wilderness full of amazing and exotic animals and you'd be right that is a good representation of the amazon rainforest but what a lot of people don't know is that the amazon rainforest is also home to a massive city it's called Manaus and it sits right in the middle of the amazon rainforest right along the amazon river and it happens to be one of the most violent places in the entire world all it takes in Manaus is simply walking down the wrong street or crossing the wrong person and you can get shot or stabbed in broad daylight and there's virtually nothing anyone can do to stop it in 1989 a 31-year-old former police officer named wala Souza decided to make a tv show about what it was actually like to live in his hometown of manaus and unlike other crime shows in brazil that often censored out the most graphic content they covered Wallace decided he wasn't going to do that he wanted to expose the harsh reality of life in manaus and he felt like the only way to do that was to show everything and so that year he launched this show which he called canal libre which translates roughly to free channel and true to form there was no filter on what went on the air and so this show was shocking viewers were given a front row seat to freshly murdered victims that are lying out in the road and slumped over chairs and restaurants and behind steering wheels and the cameraman would zoom in on their fatal injuries and they would zoom in on the faces of these people that have just died every gratuitous detail every blood spatter every grieving family member of the victim who's crying out in pain all of it was shown on this tv show and then in between these very dark and violent segments about gang killings and drug deals going wrong canal libre also had a much lighter side they would bring on local artists to talk about what they're working on to maybe try to sell some of their goods the show would also focus on down on their luck families that needed help raising some money and so the show was designed to get people to donate and then also for really no reason at all there was a segment on the show where this puppet character would get into a fight with a man selling bread it was a totally bizarre and shocking spectacle and the people of manaus loved it and then eventually the people of brazil loved it i mean this was an extremely popular show because wallace was often on camera on canal libre he became very famous and very recognizable and so when he would walk around manaus people would see him and literally just start clapping and cheering for him and as he and his show became more and more popular across south america Wallace decided he didn't just want to report on crime he wanted to fight crime so on air wallace began berating the government for not being able to protect its citizens and he berated the police for not being able to catch the criminals and then off the air wallace campaigned for and was elected to political office in manaus where he continued to push hard to reduce crime in the city and so it wasn't long before wallace went from just being a relatively well-known tv host to being one of the most beloved and influential and trustworthy people in all of brazil however over the years there was one strange thing about his show canal libre that people just couldn't wrap their heads around this oddity was most obvious in a now famous episode of canal libre that aired sometime in the mid-2000s this episode opens with a canal libre reporter making their way through a jungle and there's a cameraman filming them from behind and this reporter they're very carefully walking through kind of pushing branches out of the way and high stepping over all the underbrush and then at some point up ahead you see there is a clearing and there is a third person standing in this clearing and they're clearly looking straight down at something on the ground that we can't see but this third person is very occupied with whatever is on the ground and so eventually this reporter makes their way through the jungle into this clearing and then as soon as the cameraman gets into the clearing as well he looks down at what is on the ground and what you see is what appears to be a log that has previously been lit on fire because it's still smoking and it's black and it's charred but as the cameraman zooms in you see there are hands on this log so you realize it's not a log it's a human being who's obviously deceased and based on how badly charred they are and how much they're still smoking you realize very quickly that this person must have been on fire very recently as recently as probably just a couple of minutes ago like right before the camera got here this person was on fire and so as you're kind of seeing this shocking image the reporter suddenly talks about this person like he knows all the details of them already he says you know this person you know it's a man and they were not shot to death they were doused with gasoline and burned alive but at this point the police had not come out they had not seen this dead person yet and so it made no sense that the reporter would have all this information on hand because no one knows this stuff yet and based on just looking at this person's body it was too badly burned to be able to tell whether it was a man or whether they had been shot or not or whether gasoline was used but when wallace was questioned about where he and his reporters got their information from he just said look you know we're a very popular show and people call us often before they call the police and they give us information about what's happening in the city and we have a huge team we watch the police headquarters we listen to the police's radio we watch the morgue we have loads of informants all over the city and so we just get our information really really quickly and this answer was enough until 2008 that year in october the police arrested a former manaus police officer who just went by the name moa and they accused him of nine murders and so they throw him in jail but moa despite the seriousness of the charges against him seems totally unfazed it was obvious he had some sort of powerful connection outside of prison some person or some entity that he fully expected was going to at any moment swoop in and magically get him out of prison but that didn't happen moa just continued to sit in jail and at some point that began to sink in that he was kind of on his own and so he began to talk and the story he would tell would shock brazil moa would admit to having killed some people but he would tell police look i'm just the assassin the person who hired me for these killings is wallace susan it would turn out walla souza started his show canal libre with the best of intentions but when his show became massively popular and it, in turn, made him wallace also massively popular and powerful he became corrupt and at some point, after his meteoric rise he formed this very powerful drug cartel and then in an effort to bolster his illegal dealings and to boost his show's ratings he decided to start contracting hitmen like moa to start taking out rival gang members in manaus and he would tell the hitman how he wanted them killed and where he wanted them killed and at what time and then after the hitman agreed to do this he wallace would go tell his camera crews exactly where to go and at what time so that they would be arriving at the murder scene literally right as it was happening or right afterward allowing them the opportunity to get all the gory footage before anybody else it would take the police a year to finally compile enough evidence to charge wallace with murder but they would do it in october of 2009 and eventually, wallace would turn himself in however he denied everything and then before he went to trial he would die of a heart attack in prison and so we never actually got to learn the full extent of what exactly wallace souza had done how many people he had assassinated and how many of them were shown on his tv show but we do know that at least three of his assassination, victims were shown on his tv show one of them being the person that was found out in the jungle they really were a man they really had not been shot they had been burned alive with gasoline at wallace's discretion but in the end, the person who paid the highest price for the canal levre killings was moa the hitman who blew the whistle on what was going on with the show on new year's day in 2017 a crime syndicate overran the prison where moa was being held now they had lots of targets of people they were going there to kill and one of them was moa they were furious with him that he spoke to police and gave up information about the drug trade in brazil and so eventually this angry mob of gangsters made their way over to moa cell and when they found him he was pressed up against the back of his cell wall basically as far away from the bars as he possibly could be and he began pleading for his life and this horde was not having it they were only there to kill him and so they all have machetes and knives and they're looking at him through the bars and they say you know we're going to come in there we're going to cut you to pieces and so then they start banging on the door they're trying to hack the lock open and moa he can't do anything all he can do is kind of just keep himself all the way to the back of the cell and hope they don't get in and eventually they can't open the door and they know it and so they do the next best thing they reach through the bars with a lighter and they light moa's mattress on fire and so moa was trapped he had nowhere to go and so eventually the fire reached him and he burned alive..